5 Great Guitar Moments

Guitar fans are overly familiar with lists of great guitar solos and great guitarists. There are hundreds of these on the Web, with the usual suspects, “Stairway to Heaven,” “All Along the Watchtower,” “Comfortably Numb,” and my personal favorite, “Kid Charlemagne.” These lists are fun to debate and often motivate me to review some great…

Birthday Reflection – 3 things I’ve learned

Introduction: The Birthday Reflection I don’t know about anyone else, but my birthday always triggers reflection. I ponder my life thus far and question “how I am doing” – a nebulous concept, indeed. The Pitfall of Comparison Unfortunately, I often fall into the trap of comparing my internal struggles with others’ external appearances. This is…

Love and Money

There are records full of great songs with meaningful lyrics and nearly flawless execution that fail to find a significant audience despite these attributes. The Jazz idiom, in particular, has been plagued with matching quality to quantity sold. Many virtuoso performances remain the domain of a few fans. Now with the whole music business mainly…

The 26.2 Sticker

Have you seen these? I have. I might add with increasing frequency. So my cards are on the table; I am not a fan of bumper stickers, license plate frames with custom messages, or personalized license plates. This might have to do with my not being a fan of tattoos. I know this is a…