Merry Christmas from the Stalker Family 2015 – No More Inserts!

2015 Holiday
The Stalker Family of Granite Bay, CA – Jim Annette, and Riley – 2015

You’ve seen them. The folded piece of paper inside the Holiday card provides updates on all that is notable from the sender and their family in their Holiday Message. Maybe you’ve even written one yourself.
Initially, these were a bit of a novelty and fun. Then, they became a bit institutionalized as more cards seemed to include them. You can now find “style guides” on how to write a “good” one on the internet. I dare say most of the cards we get include them.
Well, moving forward, can we all agree to stop with these? I know you’re dying to unleash your inner Tolstoy and tell us about everything excellent that happened in the past year. I know because I wrote some myself. They were pretty lame! We forgive anyone who chucked them into the trash without reading – you didn’t miss Anna Karenina, although you might entertain her fate.
In the era of Facebook and Pinterest, where frequent updates are the norm for those who are connected and take part, the holiday insert has become anachronistic. I suspect the Christmas card will eventually go the way of VHS and get replaced by a better medium/technology.
This can’t come soon enough as I am entirely database challenged with address changes and trying to keep whatever the newest Emily Post guidelines are.
So, to all interested and still reading, here is our 2015 Christmas card photo in all its glory.
If you still wish for a narrative or insert – go with the sentiment behind all of them – we are awesome!
If you insist on a personalized message, like more disciplined folks painstakingly handwrite into cards, how about this generalized sentiment – we hope you’re awesome too – as excellent as we are!
Seriously – Happy Holiday!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go back to checking my smartphone.

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