Jackass #3 – The Guy who Invented the Timeshare

Jackass #3 – The Guy who Invented the Timeshare

Timeshares got their start in the late 1970s. This was when drunk people in leisure suits thought becoming a 1/52nd owner of a condo was a great idea – maybe even a significant “investment!” Timeshares, it turns out, are a freaking rip-off. Nothing more than another money-making scam for investors and developers who are now…

Jackass Number 1 & 2 – Parents who tell you about their "genius" kids!

It’s not the parent’s fault if their child is a genius (actually, genetically speaking, it is!). But do you need to tell us about it? Over and over? Let me help you out, Jackass. No, you don’t. Honestly, we don’t care about your child’s test scores. We are way too consumed with our own kid’s…

Gonzaga MA Thesis

I earned an MA in Communication and Leadership Studies from Gonzaga University in May 2010. Gonzaga is most famous for their basketball team, the Bulldogs. It was an incredible experience that fulfilled a long-procrastinated goal to earn an advanced degree. The degree exposed me to new ideas and sparked my writing.  The program also got…


Are we still using resumes? You’d think by 2015 there would be something better.  There’s not. Today these have the added wrinkle of being gamed with keywords and nomenclature that help with the recruiter during the selection/sourcing process. My beef with resumes is that they do not provide an accurate snapshot of what the person is…